NCC Announces Reduction in cost of Data


Nigerian Communications Commission NCC has announced the reduction of One gigabyte of data from January 2020 cost of one thousand Naira to four hundred and eighty seven naira eighteen kobo in November 2020 in line with a directive from the Minister of communications and Digital economy.

The New cost which was contained in a report is a fallout of the provisions in the 2020-2025 National Broadband plan which seeks to reduce the cost of one gigabyte of data to a minimum of three hundred and ninety Naira by the year 2025.

The new report by NCC also incate that the cost of data in November 2020 was less than fifty percent of the cost of data in January 2020.

The Federal Government assures Nigerians it will continue to pursue policies that will promote a fair and friendly enviroment for consumers and investors to thrive.


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