Labour Threatens Showdown Over Pension Funds


The president of the Nigeria labour congress, NLC Ayuba Wabba has threatened to mobilize workers to protest in solidarity against the plan to use pension funds by state governors for infrastructure.

Wabba was speaking at the national executive council meeting of the medical and health workers union, where MHWUN president Biobelemoye josiah accused government of tactical delay in paying ommissions in covid 19 hazard allowances payment

The umbrella body of retirees, the nigerian union of pensions has been condemning the proposal of governors forum to borrow pension funds for infrastructure, but the threat by the Nigeria Labour congress to mobilize workers against the move appears more significant

Although the covid 19 lockdown has been relaxed, the delay in payment of ommissions in covid 19 hazard allowance has remain disturbing to medical and health workers

President, Medical and health workers union of Nigeria, Biobelemoye Josiah further expresses deep concern over the continuous missmanagement of the country’s health system, which he says keeps encouraging medical tourism.


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