JUST IN: Suspected herdsmen killed 8 in fresh Plateau midnight Attack


No few that 8 people have been killed including 6 from same family in a fresh attack by suspected herdsmen in Dong, a community in Jos North Local Government area, sharing boundary with Bassa Local Government area of Plateau State.

Gunmen believed to be herdsmen invaded Dong Community at about 10pm Sunday night 23, May and began shooting sporadically killing 8 people mostly women and children including 6 from same family.

An eye witness Nanyah Daman, who spoke AIT said number of casualties would have been more but for the swift response of the security personnel.

Plateau State Police Command while Conforming the incident through it’s Spokesperson ASP Gabriel Ubah, said the Command received a distress call that some gunmen came out suddenly from a near by bush, invaded Dong Village, in Jos and killed seven persons but a combined team of Policemen, STF, Vigilante operatives led by the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Department of Operation, raced swiftly to the scene but the hoodlums had already fled back into the bush.

He added that Investigation is ongoing and Frantic effort is on to arrest the fleeing suspects while Security has been beefed up in that area to prevent escalation of violence.

The latest attack came barely 3 days after the Police owned up to a report of a planned attack in some states including Plateau.


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